Tres elemento di buono assagairre; olio d'olivia, sale, et parmigiano.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Whipped Cream

Yes, it is true. I am devoting an entire post to the topic of whipped cream. This is a little crazy I know, but the whipped cream was just so amazingly good. The texture is thick and fluffy and it tastes amazing. It can finish off so many good deserts and drinks. This all started for me because I had some Half and Half in the fridge that I was trying to use before it expired.  I started to research whipped cream. I ended up going out and buying whipping cream (the liquid) at the store. I found in my research that there is a lot of heavy debate over wether or not Half and Half is acceptable to make whipped cream. If you have been able to make whipped cream from Half and Half please let me know. I would love to hear about it. But I just got so excited that I decided to do it the tried and true way and to go out and buy the real whipping cream and use that. I was delighted with the results. 

Food is fun. Even simple things like making whipped cream. I made this to top off some brownie sundaes that my husband and I were having for desert. We decided that the whipped cream and sundaes were way too yummy for us to eat all by ourselves so we ended up taking the desert to my Brother and Sister in Law's house and then to my Mother and Father in law's office and sharing it with them.  Our evening turned from one at home to going out and having some fun and sharing desert with our family. What a fun night! I credit the whipped cream. 

It is so fun to make something yummy and then go share it with others. What a joy. So when you make the whipped cream, call someone and ask them to share it with you! What a fun excuse to hang out! Tell them you'll bring desert. As I write this I am sipping my hot coffee with a massive and creamy dollop of whipped cream on top. A day later the whipped cream is still working it's magic!

Here's how you do it:
1 pint of whipping cream (or heavy whipping cream)
1 TBSP of sugar
  1. Take the metal bowl from your stand mixer and the container of whipping cream and put them in the freezer. It helps with the whole whipping process if the bowl you are whipping and the cream is really really chilled. Leave it there for about 15 minutes. You don't want the whipped cream to actually freeze, you just want it to be really cold. 
  2. Pour the cream into the mixer along with the sugar. 
  3. Using the whisk for your mixer, start whipping on low until bubbles start to form. If you turn it up on high right away it will splash all over you. 

Gradually increase the speed
 Increase the speed until you have it on the highest setting. 
 Be careful not to over whip it. Once you see that it can stand up on it's own when you put a spoon in it, then it is ready!
 Doesn't it look amazing?
 You can put it in a regular container and save it in the coolest part of your fridge. 
